Early Dynastic Period

The History of Egypt for Kids - Early Dynastic Period

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about the Early Dynastic Period

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the Early Dynastic. Discover fascinating facts about the History of Egypt & the Early Dynastic period.
Definition of the Early Dynastic Period
Interesting facts and information
Historical Overview of the Early Dynastic Period

The Kings and Pharaohs of the first and second dynasties who ruled during the Early Dynastic time period

The famous people and events of the Early Dynastic Period
The 1st dynasty included Narmer

Names of kings were found on the 'Palermo Stone'

An overview of the history of the Early Dynastic Period in ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - Early Dynastic Period
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to Early Dynastic Period or other aspects of daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

Definition of the Early Dynastic Period
Definition: The Early Dynastic Period is the name of a period in ancient Egyptian History. The dates of the Early Dynastic Period were 3100 - 2686 BCE and included the first and second dynasties of ancient Egyptian kings. For additional information refer to:

Historical Overview of the Early Dynastic Period
The Early Dynastic Period marked huge changes in the cultural, religious and political evolution of ancient Egypt. This was the period when hieroglyphic writing was developed and writing material using papyrus was invented. Ancient Egyptians moved from small villages and joined larger communities and cities. King Narmer is credited with founding the first dynasty of kings. The capital of Egypt was established in Memphis but the city of Abydos was also extremely important. Written records were introduced listing the names and reigns of kings. Such as list was recorded on a black balsalt table known as the Palermo Stone. The cults of gods such as Horus, Set and Neith associated with living representatives became widespread in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian History and the Early Dynastic Period
The Egyptologists and historians divide the years of ancient Egyptian history and civilisation into the following historical time periods, which include the period known as the Early Dynastic Period.

Ancient Egyptian Time Periods



Facts about the Early Dynastic Period
The following facts provide a fast overview of the history of Egyptian civilization during the historical period known as the Early Dynastic Period.

Ancient Egypt - Early Dynastic Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Early Dynastic:

The Early Predynastic Period was equivalent to the Neolithic period, the last part of the Stone Age. But by the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period the culture of the Egyptians had significantly advanced. Early hieroglyphic writing had emerged, a calendar had been developed. These ancient Egyptians had also developed a system for measurements and basic astronomy was practiced.

Fact 2 on Early Dynastic:

The African influence to the culture of Southern Egypt on the borders of Nubia (called Upper Egypt) gradually gave way to the culture of Southern Egypt (called Lower Egypt).

Fact 3 on Early Dynastic:

This was the era in the history of Egyptian civilization before the real power of the kings emerged and when the ancient Egyptians were further developing skills in writing, art and architecture.

Fact 4 on Early Dynastic:

The warrior kings of the early dynasties led military campaigns into Libya, Nubia and areas around the Sinai Desert to exploit the Natural Resources of these areas, so increasing the wealth of ancient Egypt.

Fact 5 on Early Dynastic:

The period was marked by central government and saw the emergence of a cultural identity. The small settlements throughout ancient Egypt abandoned their homes and moved to larger communities and cities.

Fact 6 on Early Dynastic:

A series of internal conflicts resulted in the start of political unity. This was cemented by the political marriage between Narmer, a Thinite King of Upper Egypt, and Neithhotep, a princess of the Nile Delta region of Lower Egypt

Fact 7 on Early Dynastic:

The 1st Egyptian Dynasty was founded by King Narmer (also refer to Menes). Hieroglyphics were developed during the era and writing material using the papyrus plant was invented by the middle of the 1st dynasty. Names of kings and their reigns were recorded on the 'Palermo Stone'.

Fact 8 on Early Dynastic:

Memphis was established in Lower Egypt as the capital of the country. Boundaries regions were established. Tax systems and a form of census were introduced marking the importance of central government.

Fact 9 on Early Dynastic:

The regions of ancient Egypt were separated into 'nomes'. Each Nome had its own god and emblems. There were 20 nomes in Lower Egypt and 22 nomes in Upper Egypt

Fact 10 on Early Dynastic:

Hieroglyphic writing continued in its development. The 'Narmer Palette' contains some of the earliest hieroglyphic inscriptions ever found.


Ancient Egypt - Early Dynastic Fact Sheet

Facts about the Early Dynastic Period
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about the Early Dynastic Period for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about the Early Dynastic Period for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about the Early Dynastic Period for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.


The Ancient Egyptians


Facts about the Early Dynastic Period
The following facts provide a fast overview of the history of Egyptian civilization during the historical period known as the Early Dynastic Period.

Ancient Egypt - Early Dynastic Fact Sheet

Fact 11 on Early Dynastic:

Open-air temples, constructed of wood or sandstone also housed government officials. Royal tombs were built at Saqqara and Abydos.

Fact 12 on Early Dynastic:

Religious rituals and ceremonies were established which included the early practise of Human Sacrifice as part of the royal funerary rituals.  Human sacrifice ensured the Pharaohs had servants in the Afterlife.

Fact 13 on Early Dynastic:

Human sacrifice ceased at the end of the 1st dynasty of pharaohs when 'shabtis' took the place of actual people.

Fact 14 on Early Dynastic:

Large tombs of pharaohs and temples to the gods were built at Abydos, Naqada and Saqqara. The development of new astronomical instruments during this period had a significant effect on the culture and religion of the ancient Egyptians.

Fact 15 on Early Dynastic:

The ancient Egyptian art styles were in the early stages of development. Statues of gods were created using limestone with the emphasis being placed on grandeur rather than detail. The depictions of their gods were intimidating and formidable.

Fact 16 on Early Dynastic:

The religious beliefs, culture and the history of Egyptian civilization was based on the worship of many gods, this was called a polytheistic religion.

Fact 17 on Early Dynastic:

The gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt took many forms. Representations of deities were depicted with the heads of humans wearing various styles of crowns and headdresses whilst other gods were depicted as 'human hybrids'  with the bodies of humans but with the heads of animals or supernatural creatures.

Fact 18 on Early Dynastic:

The animal heads depicted on some of the gods was a simple device used to visually convey the qualities and attributes of the gods, but these images also instilled a strong element of fear in the ancient Egyptians - especially of what might await them in the Afterlife.

Ancient Egypt - Early Dynastic Fact Sheet


Early Dynastic

Facts and Information about the Early Dynastic Period

Early Dynastic Period

The people, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

Early Dynastic for kids and schools

Early Dynastic Period  for kids, schools, homework and research

Early Dynastic Period


The Dynasties of the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt
Historians divide Ancient Egyptian history into 31 dynasties. A Dynasty consisted of a succession of kings from the same family who succeeded each other on the throne by right of inheritance. The kings of the Early Dynastic Period consisted of the 1st and 2nd dynasties who ruled for approximately 400 years. There is scant information about the Early Dynastic Period but the names of the kings from the first dynasty through the fifth dynasty are recorded on a black basalt table known as Palermo Stone.

Ancient Egyptian Dynasties

Early Dynastic Pharaohs and Kings of the First Dynasty
The pharaohs of the First Dynasty started with King Narmer (also refer to the article on Menes) who is credited with founding the first dynasty of kings and the unification of Egypt. The names of the kings of the First Dynasty were Narmer , Aha, Djer, Djet, Den, Adjib, Semerkhe and Qaa. The King, known as Narmer, established Memphis in Lower Egypt as the capital of Egypt. The title of "King Scorpion" is closely associated with Narmer. Den is said to have brought prosperity to early dynastic Egypt and numerous innovations are attributed to his reign. Den was the first ruler to use the title King of Lower and Upper Egypt and the first depicted as wearing the Pshent Double Crown of Egypt. Refer to Crowns of Egypt for additional info.

Early Dynastic Kings - Ist Dynasty



Dates of Reign

NarmerExact Dates Unknown




Queen Merneith  





Map of ancient Egypt

Early Dynastic Pharaohs and Kings of the Second Dynasty
Hotepsekhemwy was the founder of the 2nd dynasty, which he established after a period of political strife. The names of the kings of the Second Dynasty were Hotepsekhemwy, Nebra, Raneb, Ninetjer, Seth-Peribsen and Khasekhemwy. Nebra was the  direct successor of Hotepsekhemwy and it is believed that for a period of time they jointly ruled ancient Egypt.

Early Dynastic Kings - 2nd Dynasty



Dates of Reign

King HotepsekhemwyExact Dates Unknown

King Raneb  

King Nynetjer  

King Weneg  

King Senedj  

King Seth-Peribsen  

King Sekhemib-Perenmaat  

King Khasekhem 

Ancient Egypt

Early Dynastic
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and Early Dynastic inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about the Early Dynastic will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

Early Dynastic Period


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