Role of the Pharaoh

The History of Egypt for Kids - The Role of the Pharaoh

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about the Role of the Pharaoh

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - Role of the Pharaoh
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the Role of the Pharaoh. Discover fascinating facts and information about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
Interesting facts & information about the role of the pharaoh
Role of the pharaoh: Head of the ancient Egyptian state and nation
Role of the pharaoh: Commander in chief of the military
The role and duties of the pharaohs
The daily life of the ancient Egyptian Kings
The people in the life of the pharaoh
Role of the pharaoh: The supreme religious leader and High Priest
An overview of Role of the Pharaoh, a famous King of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - Role of the Pharaoh
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to The Role of the Pharaoh, the greatest pharaohs of Egypt or other aspects of daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

The Role of the Pharaoh
Interesting facts, biography & information about the life of the Role of the Pharaoh, the ancient Egyptian King. The the Role of the Pharaoh fact sheet provides details of the major events and accomplishments in his life, his consort and his family. Information about the dynasty and period in ancient Egyptian history in which The Role of the Pharaoh lived. Refer to Pharaohs for additional interesting facts and information..

Ancient Egyptian King - Role of the Pharaoh Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The pharaoh was the focal point of the nation and unified the people under one ruler. Before the pharaohs, and the unification of Egypt, the country had no central government and local leaders fought for power and dominance. Without a powerful ruler, such as the king, the country would be embroiled in chaotic, constantly changing leaders and the threat of civil war.

Fact 2 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The main role and duties of the pharaoh were as  the head of law and administration in ancient Egypt, the head of the government, the high priest of all temples and the commander of the army. His main roles included:

Head of the State
Head of the Nation
Head of the army
Supreme Religious Leader

Fact 3 on Role of the Pharaoh:

As head of the army he had the power to ensure order in the land and protect the people from foreign invaders.

Fact 4 on Role of the Pharaoh:

Successful military strategies and campaigns would increased the lands and therefore wealth of Egypt extending the influence of the ancient Egyptian Empire.

Fact 5 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The kings of Egypt governed the country with his family and nobles. He appointed government officials to assist in the governance of the kingdom. The most powerful officials were the  Vizier (chief councillor) and the Nomarchs (who governed regions of the kingdom on behalf of the kings).

Fact 6 on Role of the Pharaoh:

As head of the state and government of Egypt he was responsible for increasing the wealth of the country by imposing taxes on the people and regulating trade. He was also responsible for initiating trading expeditions in different countries and making alliances with different countries against common enemies.

Fact 7 on Role of the Pharaoh:

He was also responsible for the architecture and the new buildings erected in ancient Egypt. The kings of ancient Egypt were entitled to employ as many of their subjects as they wanted in forced labor who worked on constructing the pyramids, temples and tombs in ancient Egypt without any pay.

Fact 8 on Role of the Pharaoh:

Pharaohs were absolute monarchs. Their words were law. Those that broke his laws would suffer the consequences.

Fact 9 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The crook and flail were the ancient Egyptian symbols of royal authority and emphasized the duties of the pharaohs. The crook symbolized the role of the king as the 'shepherd' of the people and the flail symbolized his as the provider of food for the people and also reflected his duties in relation to the law and discipline.


Fact 10 on Role of the Pharaoh:

Failure to perform his state duties and responsibilities would be extremely serious. Failure to perform religious duties would be viewed as sacrilegious. Such transgressions would result in dire consequences for the land of Egypt and the pharaoh would be to blame.

Fact 11 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The king, and all Egyptians, were expected to uphold the 'Spirit of Ma'at' ensuring order and justice in the land using basic principles of truth, morality and fairness according to ancient 'Wisdom Texts'. He was the chief judge in ancient Egypt.

Fact 12 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The pharaohs adopted the divine status, claiming ancestry from the gods which made them suitable to undertake the role of emissary or mediator with the gods.

Fact 13 on Role of the Pharaoh:

Formal religious rituals centred around the pharaohs who were believed to be descended from the gods and held the divine power of kingship that was incarnated in him. The pharaoh deputized for Horus, the son of Osiris, who was the divine ruler over the whole of Egypt. He derived his power from the sun god Ra.

Ancient Egyptian King - Role of the Pharaoh Fact Sheet

Abu Simbel

the Role of the Pharaoh
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about the Role of the Pharaoh for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Role of the Pharaoh for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about this king of Egypt for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.


The Ancient Egyptians


The Role of the Pharaoh
Learn about the daily life of the ancient Egyptian kings the fast and easy way via the 'Role of the Pharaoh' Fact sheet. For additional interesting facts and information refer to the
Daily Life of a Pharaoh.

Ancient Egyptian King - Role of the Pharaoh Fact Sheet

Fact 14 on Role of the Pharaoh:

There were many festivals in ancient Egypt and the pharaohs, as the high priests of the temples, would play a central role during the festivals.

Fact 15 on Role of the Pharaoh:

A magnificent river procession was often the hub of the religious festivals during which statues of the gods were removed from the temple and ceremoniously placed on gilded ceremonial barques and on to the bigger river boats occupied by the king and their families. The massive processions consisted of standard bearing nobles, soldiers, priests, musicians, singers and dancers. The ancient Egyptians would enjoy the spectacle of the procession and celebrate with feasting.

Fact 16 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The daily life of pharaohs started with dressing. He would have bathed and used scented oil and perfume. He would have worn the finest linen adorned with gold and various items of jewelry. On most occasions he would have worn a wig  as the hair of ancient Egyptians was cropped short to prevent lice.

Fact 17 on Role of the Pharaoh:

A visit to the Royal Harem to visit his wives and children and take some food with them. The "King's Principal Wife" would accompany him for his many state and religious functions.

Fact 18 on Role of the Pharaoh:

Duly robed in the most appropriate apparel he would attend to matters of government and the state, receiving people from the royal throne. His audiences might include state officials, members of the military and foreign emissaries.

Fact 19 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The afternoon would be a time for rest or state business, away from the heat of the sun. Early morning or early evening might have been spent enjoying games, sport or hunting.

Fact 20 on Role of the Pharaoh:

The evening meal was often a lavish affair accompanied by entertainment by court singers and dancers.

Fact 21 on Role of the Pharaoh:

His religious duties required that he visit a temple. He would have been carried to the temple on a litter. Only priests, priestesses, pharaohs, queens, or occasionally other members of the royal family, were allowed inside the temples. He participate in religious ceremonies and rituals that included making prayers and offerings to the gods. The different types of offerings included food, drink, clothing, flowers, incense and perfumes. 

Ancient Egyptian King - Role of the Pharaoh Fact Sheet

 Ancient Egypt


Role of the Pharaoh

Facts and Information about Role of the Pharaoh

Ancient Egyptians -  The Role of the Pharaoh

Fact based role of the pharaoh

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

The Role of the Pharaoh for kids and schools

The Role of the Pharaoh  for kids, schools, homework and research

The Duties & Role of the Pharaoh


Role of the Pharaoh - Daily Life - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Major Duties - Ancient Egyptian Kings and Pharaohs - Ancient Egyptians - King of Egypt - Pharaoh - Pharoah - Pictures - Eygptians - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptians - Kids - Role of the PharaohChildren - Research - Schools - Homework - Eygptians - Egyption - Egypt - History - Ancient - Pictures - Images - Kids - Children - Kids - Facts - Eygptians - Interesting - Information - Kids - Children - Kids - Research - Ancient Egypt - Egyptology - Old Egypt - Egyptology - Egypten - Egyption - Egipt - Pharoh - Travel - Tours - Nile Cruise - Holiday - Vacation - Eygpt - Role of the Pharaoh - Life - Fact File - Fact Sheet - Ancient Egyptian King - Ancient Egyptians - Pharaoh - Dates - Events - Role of the Pharaoh - Written By Linda Alchin